Okay, now that all that what happened in 2011 stuff is done with, time to look to the future. Mainly, this blog! In case you haven't noticed (tsk, tsk, tsk), I added a new background. The flowers were nice, but change is good, and I needed something with a bit more jazz. Cos jazz is not only awesome saxophone music, it's a lot of things. I also played around with the layout a bit so that everything is more evened out. The two-column layout was nice, but I thought about how I planned on adding more sidebar "gadgets", like polls, vids, and pics, and putting all that one side will get crowded. So now you have a three-column layout.
For all my Poptropican friends, I have decided that Silver Flipper will keep watch over my blog. *pokes pic on ze left* Her style says a lot about the kind of person I am, but you make all those guesses yourself, 'k?
Now, 2012 should be a year for big changes. Big, GOOD changes. So I want to know, what do you want to see more of in this blog? Or do you want something entirely different? Vote on the poll as well as comment on this post. I love hearing your opinions!
Even though this blog is fairly new and not as developed as I would have liked it to be yet, we still come to the last post of the year. 2011's been a fairly...interesting year. In general, there were a lot of scandals this year concerning court cases and celebs. We also sadly said goodbye to some people who have made history. These people include Steve Jobs, one of the founders of the company Apple, and Amy Winehouse, a famous singer. There were also a few happy events, such as the huge royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, an event that was watched by millions of people all over the world. And who can forget that the war in Iraq officially ended less than a month ago?

For me personally, it wasn't the smoothest year. I gained some and lost some in a way. Getting to see all my relatives in the summer who I haven't seen for years was the best thing ever, but losing my favorite online game and my favorite show plus having my best friend move away.....certainly not very happy events. But we can't dwell too much on the past! Onwards, lol!
As 2011 winds down, I want to wish everyone a happy New Year, for you all to be happy and healthy. The holiday season may be coming to a close, but it doesn't really matter what day it is. If you try, you can make your own holidays, everyday! *optimistic rant over*