Popular Songs of Today:
1) Someone Like You - Adele
2) Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
3) We Found Love (feat. Calvin Harris) - Rihanna
4) Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) - Gym Class Heroes
5) Moves Like Jagger -Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
These 5 are a good representation for popular songs. They're all different. Adele's voice is amazing, as always, while Pumped Up Kicks doesn't sound like your average song. I like most of these songs, with my two favorites being Someone Like You and Stereo Hearts.
What am I listening to lately:
1) How to Love - Lil Wayne
2) Not Afraid - Eminem
3) Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
4) OneRepublic
5) Avril Lavigne
6) Christina Aguilera
This is a bit of a weirdly-thrown together list. I really listen to a lot of random things, but one of Lil' Wayne's popular new singles is How to Love. It isn't even really rap, and Lil' Wayne revealed so many different sides of him when singing it and performing it. Not Afraid is up there because Monday, October 17th, was Eminem's 39th Birthday! Woot!

OneRepublic and Avril Lavigne are always my favorites. I listen to them constantly. Seriously, they are awesome. This is why there are up on the first Wave. OneRepublic has two great albums, and a popular song constantly playing on the radio: Good Life. Watch it. Listen to it. Whatever. Just have fun! Avril has 4 albums, her first one back from 2001. Some say her first album was her best, so be sure to listen to songs like Complicated and Sk8er Boi. Her new album has awesome songs, too.
As for Christina, I had to research her for my Hispanic American project (YES, she counts!) so I listened to her songs, too. They are just wonderful and empowering. Hurt, Beautiful, The Voice Within....these all must be on your playlists!
Hope you enjoyed this month's Wave! Let me know if you have any suggestions!