This has been a crazy Sunday! If you were like me, you were watching the Super Bowl (and are watching The Voice) right now. Giants vs. Patriots, Manning vs.'s the ultimate showdown! (If you have no idea what I'm blabbing about, I'll kindly point you to my friend Google) Anyway, my team Giants won it and I'm crazy happy! People in my neighborhood were running around on the streets yelling and setting off fireworks. It's crazy! Plus I'm stuffed on chips and chicken wings...for once my mom let me eat junk. Final score: 21-17 GIANTS! Wooo, go Big Blue!!!
As for The Voice, it's a very cool singing show only in it's second season. Maybe someday you'll see me on it, haha. The talent is amazing, and I can only marvel at how great the contestants are. Plus, you gotta love the judges trash talk. I'm personally Team Xtina, so hopefully someone on her team will win!!
Well, I'm pretty hyper in this post, so we'll get down to business tomorrow (it's late here already). You votes on the poll are being considered, and big changes are coming to World! Stay tuned!
AF's Crazy World
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
It's a New Year! Some Resolutions, Perhaps?
So, it's been about a week since New Year's. Anyone still feel a holiday hangover? I sure do, especially since all the holiday movies and concerts are still playing in my house. I got a few presents from family and friends, too. Mostly they were things like shower gel and lip gloss, but a few prezzies (like all 8 Harry Potter movies and a Neocash card) made me jump for joy...literally. I really appreciate them.
So this week, we all had time to think of some resolutions to keep for 2012. I know most people quit their rezzies (LOL, why did I call them "rezzies"? I'm such a freak :P) around March, but why don't we actually try to keep to our resolutions this year. My main ones are to be a little less socially awkward around people, as well as find something that keeps me active. I love my laptop, but it isn't that good spending all my life with it (if only!!!) So what are your resolutions? Comment below!!
So this week, we all had time to think of some resolutions to keep for 2012. I know most people quit their rezzies (LOL, why did I call them "rezzies"? I'm such a freak :P) around March, but why don't we actually try to keep to our resolutions this year. My main ones are to be a little less socially awkward around people, as well as find something that keeps me active. I love my laptop, but it isn't that good spending all my life with it (if only!!!) So what are your resolutions? Comment below!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Well Actually, That SO IS NOT the Last Post.....More Like Third to Last? o.O
Okay, now that all that what happened in 2011 stuff is done with, time to look to the future. Mainly, this blog! In case you haven't noticed (tsk, tsk, tsk), I added a new background. The flowers were nice, but change is good, and I needed something with a bit more jazz. Cos jazz is not only awesome saxophone music, it's a lot of things. I also played around with the layout a bit so that everything is more evened out. The two-column layout was nice, but I thought about how I planned on adding more sidebar "gadgets", like polls, vids, and pics, and putting all that one side will get crowded. So now you have a three-column layout.
For all my Poptropican friends, I have decided that Silver Flipper will keep watch over my blog. *pokes pic on ze left* Her style says a lot about the kind of person I am, but you make all those guesses yourself, 'k?
Now, 2012 should be a year for big changes. Big, GOOD changes. So I want to know, what do you want to see more of in this blog? Or do you want something entirely different? Vote on the poll as well as comment on this post. I love hearing your opinions!
For all my Poptropican friends, I have decided that Silver Flipper will keep watch over my blog. *pokes pic on ze left* Her style says a lot about the kind of person I am, but you make all those guesses yourself, 'k?

2011's Almost Gone....Last Post!
Even though this blog is fairly new and not as developed as I would have liked it to be yet, we still come to the last post of the year. 2011's been a fairly...interesting year. In general, there were a lot of scandals this year concerning court cases and celebs. We also sadly said goodbye to some people who have made history. These people include Steve Jobs, one of the founders of the company Apple, and Amy Winehouse, a famous singer. There were also a few happy events, such as the huge royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, an event that was watched by millions of people all over the world. And who can forget that the war in Iraq officially ended less than a month ago?
For me personally, it wasn't the smoothest year. I gained some and lost some in a way. Getting to see all my relatives in the summer who I haven't seen for years was the best thing ever, but losing my favorite online game and my favorite show plus having my best friend move away.....certainly not very happy events. But we can't dwell too much on the past! Onwards, lol!
As 2011 winds down, I want to wish everyone a happy New Year, for you all to be happy and healthy. The holiday season may be coming to a close, but it doesn't really matter what day it is. If you try, you can make your own holidays, everyday! *optimistic rant over*
For me personally, it wasn't the smoothest year. I gained some and lost some in a way. Getting to see all my relatives in the summer who I haven't seen for years was the best thing ever, but losing my favorite online game and my favorite show plus having my best friend move away.....certainly not very happy events. But we can't dwell too much on the past! Onwards, lol!
As 2011 winds down, I want to wish everyone a happy New Year, for you all to be happy and healthy. The holiday season may be coming to a close, but it doesn't really matter what day it is. If you try, you can make your own holidays, everyday! *optimistic rant over*
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Music Wave! **October Edition**
Okay, this is a new addition to my blog: hot music of the month as well as my favorites currently (and those favorites change a lot!!) I hope to know what music/movies/books you guys like, so that I could find things that may be you will also enjoy. So comment! Don't be a stranger!!
Popular Songs of Today:
1) Someone Like You - Adele
2) Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
3) We Found Love (feat. Calvin Harris) - Rihanna
4) Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) - Gym Class Heroes
5) Moves Like Jagger -Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
These 5 are a good representation for popular songs. They're all different. Adele's voice is amazing, as always, while Pumped Up Kicks doesn't sound like your average song. I like most of these songs, with my two favorites being Someone Like You and Stereo Hearts.
What am I listening to lately:
1) How to Love - Lil Wayne
2) Not Afraid - Eminem
3) Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
4) OneRepublic
5) Avril Lavigne
6) Christina Aguilera
This is a bit of a weirdly-thrown together list. I really listen to a lot of random things, but one of Lil' Wayne's popular new singles is How to Love. It isn't even really rap, and Lil' Wayne revealed so many different sides of him when singing it and performing it. Not Afraid is up there because Monday, October 17th, was Eminem's 39th Birthday! Woot!
Basically, one of the traditions on his birthday is to watch Not Afraid on YouTube, trying to make it the #1 most played music video. It's a pretty awesome song. As for LMFAO, these guys are really going somewhere! I really got into Party Rock a month ago, and now I'm addicted. Their second single is so stupid, and that's why I love it. Who knows what it is? LOL.
OneRepublic and Avril Lavigne are always my favorites. I listen to them constantly. Seriously, they are awesome. This is why there are up on the first Wave. OneRepublic has two great albums, and a popular song constantly playing on the radio: Good Life. Watch it. Listen to it. Whatever. Just have fun! Avril has 4 albums, her first one back from 2001. Some say her first album was her best, so be sure to listen to songs like Complicated and Sk8er Boi. Her new album has awesome songs, too.
As for Christina, I had to research her for my Hispanic American project (YES, she counts!) so I listened to her songs, too. They are just wonderful and empowering. Hurt, Beautiful, The Voice Within....these all must be on your playlists!
Hope you enjoyed this month's Wave! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Popular Songs of Today:
1) Someone Like You - Adele
2) Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
3) We Found Love (feat. Calvin Harris) - Rihanna
4) Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) - Gym Class Heroes
5) Moves Like Jagger -Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
These 5 are a good representation for popular songs. They're all different. Adele's voice is amazing, as always, while Pumped Up Kicks doesn't sound like your average song. I like most of these songs, with my two favorites being Someone Like You and Stereo Hearts.
What am I listening to lately:
1) How to Love - Lil Wayne
2) Not Afraid - Eminem
3) Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
4) OneRepublic
5) Avril Lavigne
6) Christina Aguilera
This is a bit of a weirdly-thrown together list. I really listen to a lot of random things, but one of Lil' Wayne's popular new singles is How to Love. It isn't even really rap, and Lil' Wayne revealed so many different sides of him when singing it and performing it. Not Afraid is up there because Monday, October 17th, was Eminem's 39th Birthday! Woot!

OneRepublic and Avril Lavigne are always my favorites. I listen to them constantly. Seriously, they are awesome. This is why there are up on the first Wave. OneRepublic has two great albums, and a popular song constantly playing on the radio: Good Life. Watch it. Listen to it. Whatever. Just have fun! Avril has 4 albums, her first one back from 2001. Some say her first album was her best, so be sure to listen to songs like Complicated and Sk8er Boi. Her new album has awesome songs, too.
As for Christina, I had to research her for my Hispanic American project (YES, she counts!) so I listened to her songs, too. They are just wonderful and empowering. Hurt, Beautiful, The Voice Within....these all must be on your playlists!
Hope you enjoyed this month's Wave! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Sorry for My Disappearance!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for nearly a month! Life just got hectic. Our applications for high school are due in December, so all I've been doing is applying for different places, visiting open houses, etc. It all really makes me nervous! On the other hand, once that is all over, the fun things should be beginning. This includes my Boston trip!! 3 days of hanging out with my best buddies, staying up mega-late playing games and pigging out, plus we learn things! This is definitely going to be the highlight of my year.
I still feel a bit hectic, though. So much work to do. There's homework and school, which is so yawnful (NEW WORD!) lately. I also have my singing projects to work on (**HINT HINT: My latest song is "Ten Minutes Ago" from the old Cinderella movie!), and my room could do with a bit of a clean. :P Where is the end to this madness?! I STILL NEED TO GET MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME AND THERE'S LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT!!! Are you guys dressing up this year? What as? Where can you get more candy: stores or houses? Gosh, I WANT TO GO!
I still feel a bit hectic, though. So much work to do. There's homework and school, which is so yawnful (NEW WORD!) lately. I also have my singing projects to work on (**HINT HINT: My latest song is "Ten Minutes Ago" from the old Cinderella movie!), and my room could do with a bit of a clean. :P Where is the end to this madness?! I STILL NEED TO GET MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME AND THERE'S LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT!!! Are you guys dressing up this year? What as? Where can you get more candy: stores or houses? Gosh, I WANT TO GO!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
8th Grade....The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy,
So this year I started 8th grade. Senior year of junior high! Which means graduation, senior trips, a prom, and even a few senior perks! It should be one of the best years ever, right? Well, guess what. It's totally wrong. In fact, as September is coming to end, it seems like all the fun stuff had left when the bell rang for the last time last year.
First, our now closely bonded classes were split up. Randomized. Mixed. I mean, we always have minor changes to our classes at the beginning of every year. It's nothing new. But most of us stays. This year they took everyone and basically let the computer throw us into whatever class. All because last year's 8th graders acted like total immature weirdos. So now I'm split from some of the best people ever.......including a certain someone I had my eye on from back in 6th grade.
Then there are the classes. Basic middle school set up. 8 periods, each 45 minutes long. Traveling all over the school from class to class, teacher to teacher. Plus lunch in the middle of it all. Well this year, the classes seem to be......wrong or something. Wrong as in boring, not the same as before, at all. My biggest irritations are that #1: we're the only class who didn't get keyboard this year (my favorite class with the best teacher ever!) and #2: we have a thing called Math Regeants.....meaning we have to do 9th grade algebra (Algebra I) instead of regular math. There are two classes: Regular math and the Algebra one. Of course, it is just my luck to be put into Algebra and than not understand half of what our teacher talks about. Proof of that? The 80 I got on our first math quiz. I don't think I ever did that bad on math in my history of junior high, and it's only the first semester! I'm so screwed.
Lunch isn't that great, either. It just so happens that EVERYONE wants to sit at our table, and since this year the staff made us sit in the most cramped section of the lunch room, we have to climb over each other all the time. I don't have lunch anymore, anyway. Me and my two best friends help our English teacher at lunch, organizing and filing stuff for her since she just moved rooms at the beginning of the year. She has so many books! We have been at it for about 4 days, and only half of her library is organized. Well......we ARE perfectionists. ;)
Strangely, the best thing about school is handball. It is the IT sport in our school at the moment. My best friends and classmates come an hour before schools starts to practice their mad skills, then they play when we go out at lunch. And again for almost 2 hours after school. Now, I'm the person who totally hates sports, especially the ones using a ball, with a passion. I've been practicing at all those times just like everyone else and sucking at handball for about 2 weeks now. AND I'M NOT READY TO GIVE IT UP YET. (!!!!) I guess it's in part because I don't want to feel left out while everyone else plays and because playing hb helps me stay in touch with some *cough* special people that I don't talk to otherwise. Besides, exercise is good. And handball requires a bunch of running and coordination.
We finally have a yearbook committee this year! It's good, because we never really got a proper yearbook for 5th grade, while other schools did, and this year it should be better than evah! I can't join the committee, though. It's because I (well, rather, everyone made me) signed up to do this medical project for school. It's exclusive and we have to present our topic to half of the school and a whole board of doctors at the end of the year. I guess yearbook will just have to wait until high school.
Speaking of high school, that is also a big part of why 8th grade isn't that awesome this year. Everyone is going nuts over which high school they should choose, which ones require tests, which ones require auditions, etc. Plus all the open houses and high school fairs.....It's enough to send me into a nervous breakdown!!! All my friends are competing for the same high school, which is a bit overrated in my opinion. That high school is my second choice. My first choice is an artsy school where you need to audition to get in. I realized that stuff like singing, art, and writing is my passion. I'm not making the mistake of going to a school inclined towards math and science again. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to my first hs fair. Should be interesting!
Otherwise, life carries on as usual. Homework, listening to music, hanging out on the computer, etc. I'm a bit scared since this creepy person IMed me last week, but that's what block lists are for.....right?
Anyway, thanks to the people who read this freaking long kind of angry post! You deserve a cookie *hands over chocolate chip macadamia cookies....yum!* I'll try to post more often now, and next post should feature some of the music and books that I like. You guys can comment and tell me what you wanna see here. Until then, ttfn!
First, our now closely bonded classes were split up. Randomized. Mixed. I mean, we always have minor changes to our classes at the beginning of every year. It's nothing new. But most of us stays. This year they took everyone and basically let the computer throw us into whatever class. All because last year's 8th graders acted like total immature weirdos. So now I'm split from some of the best people ever.......including a certain someone I had my eye on from back in 6th grade.
Then there are the classes. Basic middle school set up. 8 periods, each 45 minutes long. Traveling all over the school from class to class, teacher to teacher. Plus lunch in the middle of it all. Well this year, the classes seem to be......wrong or something. Wrong as in boring, not the same as before, at all. My biggest irritations are that #1: we're the only class who didn't get keyboard this year (my favorite class with the best teacher ever!) and #2: we have a thing called Math Regeants.....meaning we have to do 9th grade algebra (Algebra I) instead of regular math. There are two classes: Regular math and the Algebra one. Of course, it is just my luck to be put into Algebra and than not understand half of what our teacher talks about. Proof of that? The 80 I got on our first math quiz. I don't think I ever did that bad on math in my history of junior high, and it's only the first semester! I'm so screwed.
Lunch isn't that great, either. It just so happens that EVERYONE wants to sit at our table, and since this year the staff made us sit in the most cramped section of the lunch room, we have to climb over each other all the time. I don't have lunch anymore, anyway. Me and my two best friends help our English teacher at lunch, organizing and filing stuff for her since she just moved rooms at the beginning of the year. She has so many books! We have been at it for about 4 days, and only half of her library is organized. Well......we ARE perfectionists. ;)
Strangely, the best thing about school is handball. It is the IT sport in our school at the moment. My best friends and classmates come an hour before schools starts to practice their mad skills, then they play when we go out at lunch. And again for almost 2 hours after school. Now, I'm the person who totally hates sports, especially the ones using a ball, with a passion. I've been practicing at all those times just like everyone else and sucking at handball for about 2 weeks now. AND I'M NOT READY TO GIVE IT UP YET. (!!!!) I guess it's in part because I don't want to feel left out while everyone else plays and because playing hb helps me stay in touch with some *cough* special people that I don't talk to otherwise. Besides, exercise is good. And handball requires a bunch of running and coordination.
We finally have a yearbook committee this year! It's good, because we never really got a proper yearbook for 5th grade, while other schools did, and this year it should be better than evah! I can't join the committee, though. It's because I (well, rather, everyone made me) signed up to do this medical project for school. It's exclusive and we have to present our topic to half of the school and a whole board of doctors at the end of the year. I guess yearbook will just have to wait until high school.
Speaking of high school, that is also a big part of why 8th grade isn't that awesome this year. Everyone is going nuts over which high school they should choose, which ones require tests, which ones require auditions, etc. Plus all the open houses and high school fairs.....It's enough to send me into a nervous breakdown!!! All my friends are competing for the same high school, which is a bit overrated in my opinion. That high school is my second choice. My first choice is an artsy school where you need to audition to get in. I realized that stuff like singing, art, and writing is my passion. I'm not making the mistake of going to a school inclined towards math and science again. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to my first hs fair. Should be interesting!
Otherwise, life carries on as usual. Homework, listening to music, hanging out on the computer, etc. I'm a bit scared since this creepy person IMed me last week, but that's what block lists are for.....right?
Anyway, thanks to the people who read this freaking long kind of angry post! You deserve a cookie *hands over chocolate chip macadamia cookies....yum!* I'll try to post more often now, and next post should feature some of the music and books that I like. You guys can comment and tell me what you wanna see here. Until then, ttfn!
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